Thursday 27 June 2013

Glass offices, construction sites and quiet spaces

Another visit to Jupiter today - Mercury is still malfunctioning.

Then spent a couple of hours exploring more backstreets, alleys, churches, buildings new and old, and enclosed green spaces.

I visited the following city churches today

St Olave Jewry (only part of the church building survives and appears private)
St Margaret Lothbury (open)
Dutch church at Austin Friars (closed at time of visit)
All Hallows on the Wall (closed at time of visit)
St Mary Moorfields (service on - lots of incense!)
St Ethelburga (closed at time of visit)
St Botolph Bishopsgate (open despite normally closing at 5:30pm.  There seemed to be a meeting in the  church office.  Unlike many city churches, this one survived both the great fire and the blitz.  It was an oasis of calm after the noise and rush outside.

My walk today took me to the big construction site at Broadgate and also near the Crossrail project.  This part of the city has more modern buildings, some iconic like the Gerkin, but far too many were glass boxes devoid of architectural merit.  Roads full of people scurrying to get somewhere, or standing around in animated conversation with their phones, or else puffing on cigarettes.  This part of the city seemed very male dominated.

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