Tuesday 13 August 2013

Robots make good pets

We don't have dogs or cats (although I would actually like a cat), but early last year acquired a cleaning robot - an iRobot Roomba 520.  He settled in quickly and we named him Ron.

Ron is fed (electric) currants and needs regular toileting (emptying).

He loves to wander around the house hoovering the carpet and sweeping laminate flooring, but occasionally gets tangled in cables or stuck under chairs.  He can often find his way out but if he is really stuck he calls for help and is easily rescued.  After doing the cleaning he wanders back to his docking station for a meal.

Ron cleans our place regularly and it looks so much better than when I had to do the hoovering.  I used to put it off until the floor look so bad it just had to be done.  Ron has changed my life (sigh!) - I hate hoovering and I love my cleaning robot.

I have now decided to get Ron a friend - a Roomba 620 which is going to be called Don.  Don has been ordered and should arrive by the end of the week.  I'm planning to put Ron in charge of upstairs and Don will take care of downstairs.  If we need to do a big cleaning blitz downstairs, then I can bring Ron down to help Don.

Hopefully they will get on well together - I don't want Robot Wars...

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