Friday 23 May 2014

Marooned at the Airport for 15 days

It is 3 weeks since I last posted, but there was a good reason - I spent much of May in hospital due to a major setback with my reconstruction.


I was in hospital for 3 days at the start of May with a minor wound infection which was debrided and then I was sent home with antibiotics.  Unfortunately within a few days the infection became much worse and I returned to hospital with a more advanced wound infection.  I was urgently admitted to hospital and had surgery the same evening.

This was followed by a fortnight in hospital on IV antibiotics - my infection due to a Gram-negative bacteria called Morganella Morgani.   Sounds nasty.  The name reminds me of the Arthurian sorceress Morgan le Fay.

Unfortunately these bacteria are not sensitive to the antibiotics I had on my first admission.  By the time I returned, the doctors knew  what bacteria were responsible from the tests done on swaps from the first debridement and therefore what antibiotics would be effective.

During my second period in hospital I had several washouts and debridements under general anaesthetic plus a couple of dressing changes in the ward.

Now at last I'm back home with a vac dressing and will need to keep returning to hospital on an outpatient basis until the wound can be completely closed.

Alas the infection has really messed up my reconstruction and I will need further surgery later this year.

Such a bummer!

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